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mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Recipe of the day!

Wednesday, October 26th at 19:45

Today, we stayed at home. In the morning, I did a recipe with Larissa (Alina's sister): we did brownies, it was very good so I will show you the recipe:

It's in german so I will translate it in english:


Gives 25 shares. 


- 100g of butter (or of margarine)
- 400g dark chocolate
- 4 eggs
- 200g of sugar
- 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
- 2 pinches of salt
- 200g of tree nuts
- 150g of flour


Melt the butter in a pan and add the chocolate. Let it melt and then let it cool down. Add all of the other ingredients including the salt, and then add the melted chocolate. Afterwards add the flour and the nuts. Put the mixture in a prepared cake-pan and put it in the oven. 

Normally, it should give this: 

I hope you will enjoy this recipe (if you will make it)!

dimanche 23 octobre 2016

The others days in Salzburg

Sunday, October 23th at 21:07

The other days were cool!
We had spanish wich was good we understood it quite well and I think it's like the same level that we have in Bordeaux .
The biologie lesson was very hard to understand at the begining but fortunatly, we had in our classroom a boy who speak french so he explained me the exercice that they were doing. We had also history, but we didn't understand anything so I was writing the precedent article for the blog. I think I will bring a book for the subjects that I don't understand at all. Luckily we must keep this blog because it's like a pastime when we don't understand and I think also that write in english is beneficial to learn english faster. Tuesday was a very short day because we finished school at 12:45 so we went home for lunch, the afternoon was really relaxing: I played a game with Alina and we watched a movie (called "Paul") while eating some suiss chocolate. In the week we had just two hours of english and I think I will ask for have more hours because the english teacher is very good. Also, Eva and me will begin to learn german the week after in a debutant lesson for understand the cours, at school and at home.
Tuesday, we met a girl from Finnland who's called Fanny and she is friendly !
The Italien cours was very cool because I understood it and it was relaxing for my head to hear italien!
I didn't understand a lot in geography, but the teacher speaks french so she explained to me what they are doing.
Wednesday noon, I went with Eva, Alina and Alina's friends to the "L'Osteria" and we ate pizza because we had a four hour break. I took the "parmigana" (with eggplant, tomatoes and cheese) and it was very good! After eating, we went to Salzburg city and we visited the center. We buyed a Starbucks drink (a bit expensive but the waiters were really nice), we went also to the place where Mozart was born (Salzburg is the city of Mozart).
This afternoon was very cool ! Then we went to the art lessons: it was so funny to draw caricatures! The art lesson lasts two hours so we finished school at 18:00. I came with Alina to her dance courses: I did the lesson with her and it was really nice! Alina offered me that I can regist me for three month so I was happy! Thursday, we (Eva and me) had a break for one hours so we went outside the school to visit the city. While we were walking, we asked someone where the shops are and she said " left, straight ahead, right and left". We followed her indications and we arrived at the cathedral of Salzburg (there weren't any shops so I think we didn't follow her indicactions ahah). We took a lot of pictures of this place because it's beautiful! Then, when we were walking, a boy who was doing a promotion of his hands products asked we if we wanted to try his products, we said yes of course and he polished our nails, gave us creams for our hands  ... but for free! So we were very happy because when he was finished, we had very soft hands! This day, there were a lot of french people in Salzburg because they explained that there was a football match. On the street, some of them said at Eva and me "hallo" but with the french accent so we answered that we are also french!
After, we had music and we did djembe in circle, I was very bad so we laught a lot with Alina.
Friday, we fixed with an english teacher one hours more of english in the week, I think it will be very cool! I also brought a book today for the biologie, so it weren't boring!
The noon, we went to Mcdonalds with the friends of Alina and Alina and after we returned  at school because we helped for the school party: I was with Alina, Eva and Tessa and the stand of pictures!

jeudi 20 octobre 2016

My first day at school!

Thursday, October 20th at 17:00

My first day at school was very cool and funny !
I went to the school by bus with my hold sister: it was very hard to wake up at 06:15! We took the bus for 30 minutes to Salzburg because the Internationnal Gymnasium is in Salzburg. When we arrived at school, it was funny because Alina explained to me that at school, it's forbidden to keep your shoes on, so we must wear slippers or stay in socks, it was weird but very comfortable!! Then, she showed me her classroom and I met her friends: they are friendly! In the classroom, it was so funny because there is a couch behind the tables, between two lessons, you can go on the couch, eat or listen music so you feel like you are at home! The pupils were in the classroom before the first lesson and Alina explained to me that their classroom is open all the time and they can stay in the classroom whenever they want.
The first lesson was mathematics but I didn't participate because I was with Simone (Alina's mother), Mr Lescouarnec, Mr Brunnsteiner, Eva, Tessa and Tessa's mother to do some paperwork for the mobility and we fixed our timetable. After this I had a free period and I stayed at school with Eva :there is a cafeteria where you can buy things to eat, a big gym, a library and 4 floors! It's a very big school because the building is separated in 3 schools and we are in one of the 3 buildings. Then we had physics but it was very difficult because the teacher spoke german and and I don't understand german at all! We had two hours of physics because the english teacher wasn't here,
French was very funny and easy for Eva and me and we were very good (of course).
Then we went to "Billa" (an austrian supermarket) to buy our lunch that we ate in the classroom with Alina and her friends. After the break, we went to sport :I was shocked because the girls are separate from the boys with different teachers for the subject! So we did sports with girls from another class.The sport was very funny because we did a lot of games with balls and we did little competitions in teams like jumping on a sport matrace to push it: we laughed a lot!
After two hours, we finished at 16;00 and we went home.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "mozart city"

lundi 17 octobre 2016

The fist hours in Austria

Monday, October 17th at 22:12

The trip went well (despite some luggage problems) and we arrived at around 7:00 pm in Austria: the familys were waiting for us at the main train station of Salzburg (the host family of Eva and mine) we met them on the dock. We (Eva and me) went with our respective host families, then we took the car to go to the small neighborhood where my correspondent and her family lives: Rif. They showed me the house and I met Alina's brother and sister who didn't come to the station. 
I got used to speaking English pretty quikly but I haven't got enough vocabulary to express myself clearly. 
The next morning, Alina showed me the neighbourhood (Rif): it is just like I imagined Austria, the great mountains, lots of trees and green fields, it's beautiful and relaxing where my family lives. The house is near a river called the Salzach. Luckily it was beautiful weather but I learned later that it wasn't always like this.
Around noon, we went for a walk in the mountains with the family of Eva, my austrian/swiss family and Mr LeScouarnec. The place was beautiful and the view was worthy of postcard landscapes! We walked in a forest: in some places it was difficult to walk because the slope was quite steep! I talked to Alina to get to know her better and also with Eva because it's good to speak French sometimes! After this nice walk, we went to eat in a typical montain restaurant: the "french fries" were nothing new to me, because I eat french fries in Bordeaux too! 
Overall, the arrival in Austria was very good and we have already seen and done plenty things! My family is also very welcoming!

vendredi 14 octobre 2016

Vendredi 14 Octobre, 23:56

Les valises sont enfin bouclées (malgré la difficulté à tout faire rentrer)!
Demain, rendez-vous a 9:15 à l’aéroport de Mérignac pour le départ (qui sera sûrement chargé d'émotions) et pour une journée de voyage jusqu'en Autriche!

Bis spater!